Thursday, July 12, 2007


22 posts it tells me

22 is the number of total posts what I have wrote. Not a lot as the year anniversary approaches.

Perhaps I could start a theme going? Some kind of motif? As it is, all this wittering about what to put in blogs is very post-modern, really.

I wonder what Beckett would have put in his blog? Stuff about Hamsters, Helsinki and Humus probably. But really, that's just a guess. He'd probably have written 4 words in four pages. All the same word, of course.

Anyway, I'm still not really convinced anyone but me reads this accursed thing. It's like waiting for Godot right enough, musing aloud: only a monologue instead of a dialogue. Which is preferable to a demagogue after all. Which in turn is better than a pedagogue. These days, best to steer clear of all words with a ped- at the start. Just in case. Not sure how pedalo is received though. Are there angry mobs ready to burn the hapless watercraft for their unfortunate monikers? And I'm not sure where pedantry comes in either. But goodness only knows there's plenty of them pedants out there these days. Probably poised to correct me on my mixing substantive and conditionals and whatever. I'm still trying to let my inner anality go. It can be tough when I am confronted with grocer's apostrophe though.

Is anality a word even? If it ain't, it damned well should be.

Ach, sometimes it's nice to ramble uncontrollably. Just not on your land, eh Madonna?

I had a good rant about that gap toothed slag on a message board recently. Perhaps I could reprise it for you here next time?

There you are. Something to look forward to. Unless you are reading this, Madge. You're not, are you?

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