Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Occasional Tables

What are they at other times, when they aren't tables? Traffic lights?

Anyway, this is getting ever more occasional.

I've been made to lay off the net totally at work - bah! At our quietest time in ages too. Still, getting more poetry done in the space, and reading loads. Perhaps overall a good thing if I'm being honest. I should post some more poetry here somtime. Oh, and Dylan's 'Chronicles' is a brilliant read - I knew the guy was a great writer, but didn't expect that his prose would be equal to those peak time lyrics. It's fabulous, beyond all expectations.

In other news, the cat had an abscess on his wee head, poor thing, but he will fight and get cut/bitten, so it's his own furry fault. Not that you know the cat, and doubtless weren't aware of his predilections for violence with neighbourhood moggies. But now you do, so there will be no excuse when next I mention him.

As you were.

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