Thursday, August 31, 2006


A Lack of Perspective

Was it always this way? Have people in general always lacked a long-term historical perspective? Probably. Perhaps this is the most aware era, though I'm not convinced. The Victorians seemed more or less obsessed with the past and either upholding its standards or not repeating it. Not always to good effect.

I only ask as some browsing on many message boards lately has annoyed me (as so much does) by people stating things are 'best ever' or 'most disastrous' and so on. Most of the time it's nonsense. As a society are we given to hyperbolise at the least little thing? I guess so...people look instinctively for superlatives when less grand qualifiers would do. Is it a tabloid thing, or is the tabloid thing a reflection of what we do in the first place?

But despite all that, my cat is the cutest thing ever. So there. Coochie coochie and, I venture, coo.

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